Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Lots of Free Time...

So after many months of working crazy hours 7 days a week I have found myself in this strange twilight zone of Christmas time where there is no work to do.  Over the last couple of years I have watched my time killing interests (xbox and the like) dissolve away as a result of having no free time and so now when I do have free time I get bored really quickly.  Thats that down side of enjoying what you are supposed to call work :)

However!  I totally saw this potential boredom coming and have designed a little project to keep my brain (and hands) occupied - all focussed around a sampler I purchased a few weeks ago.  The basic premise is that you can assign sounds to buttons and when you push the buttons, those sounds happen.  If you get a bit clever though, you can set it up in such a way that with a little practice you can play entire pieces of music triggering all the sounds live!

I have some ideas about what to do with this once its a bit more together as you will see that some of the patterns are complex enough to suffer a little on timing!  But I have only been messing around with it for the last week or so.

Im looking forward to seeing how it might come together...

Just me messing around with some potential pieces for an upcoming live act.

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